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The first digital test of handwriting


STEGA helps schools identify kids who need handwriting support.

STEGA is an iPad app that uses Apple Pencil


STEGA Handwriting Assessment

  • STEGA is a kid-friendly app that uses shapes to assess handwriting

  • STEGA is telehealth compatible and provides objective results via automatic scoring

  • Currently in development as a screening tool for occupational therapists to identify fine-motor delays

  • STEGA's assessment accuracy was validated in a rigorous scientific study of 54 children at WUSTL 


Meeting Room Business

PlatformSTL developed our STEGA handwriting app from concept to MVP and beyond, led by Victoria Swamidass.


Validation studies are performed at Washington University School of Medicine, led by Dr. Benjamin Philip and experts in Occupational Therapy.

Benjamin Phillip

Why is handwriting assessment important?

The ability to write letters is a critical milestone for school children. Poor handwriting can lead to below average performance throughout a child’s education. 6% of children (2.5M) have fine-motor challenges that can permanently limit handwriting and success in school.


Occupational therapy is very effective in helping young children improve those fine-motor skills, but identifying which kids need therapy is a challenge. Existing assessments are time-consuming and subject to interpretation, so not all kids with fine-motor delays are identified or even tested.


Our Progress and Plan

  • 2018: NIH STTR Award to develop and de-risk

  • 2019: Developed 1.0 iPad app

  • 2019-2020: Validated in study of 54 children at WUSTL

  • 2020: Completed 2.0 version of STEGA, ready for OT and school use

PlatformSTL will enhance, further validate, and scale STEGA as a handwriting assessment for schools and OTs.



The first digital test of handwriting

Contact Us

School administrators and occupational therapists:
contact us if you'd like to learn more or enroll as a STEGA beta user.

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© 2025 PlatformSTL  
BioGenerator Labs, Suite 214 - 4340 Duncan Avenue St Louis, MO 63110
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